The Power of Self-Value: Part 2 of 2

The Power of Self-Value: Part 2 of 2

So, once again, when you look in the mirror, what do you see? Realize that you get to be anybody you want to be, you really can design your life. You really have that power. People probably haven’t told you that you have that much power, but it is absolutely true....
The Hallmark of Excellence: Consistency

The Hallmark of Excellence: Consistency

Motivation gets you going, but consistency keeps you growing. Consistency is the key. Motivation doesn’t always last. Motivation is absolutely important; it’s important to be inspired, encouraged: its critical. Most people, though, maybe motivated and then lose the...
Tis’ the Season of Growth

Tis’ the Season of Growth

What does it mean to show up? Showing up is different for different people, in different phases of their life. We can’t expect a single mother of four children to show up the same way as a woman in her sixties, right? They have different demands. If we look at nature,...